For August we had over 33k article views, here are the top 5!
It was Valaris, Saipem and Transocean this month...
Thanks for reading with us and we wish you a great September!
Stay safe!
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WTI is sitting at $68.65 at the time of writing this, it is down $2.78 from where it was from our last newsletter on July 19th. Brent is currently going for $72.56. One of the biggest pieces of news over this last month is that the U.S Department of Interior will restart oil and gas leasing in federally managed waters and onshore in September. Elsewhere in the world the delta variant is still reeking havok on summer demand but analysts are saying that it is set for more than a 50% rally going forward.
Rig Lynx Community
We added on 59 new community members since our last newsletter and 90 new newsletter subscribers! Remember, share the app with your friends and colleagues straight from your in-app menu, if you can’t find it, it is in your settings, upper left-hand corner of the newsfeed, tap it and go down to “Invite Lynx” and let er rip.
Podcast Stats
We were able to crank out 3 new episodes of Overtime and 3 new episodes of West Africa Weekly. We certainly would like for these to be more frequent but as we said before, summers are wild at our place! We have driven in almost 1,000 downloads since we started, make sure to share it with your friends and coworkers! If you have a topic, you want us to discuss then drop us an email at, we would love to hear about your topic and ideas!
Listen to Overtime
On June 24th we released an Industry Survey that consisted of 12 questions, today we closed the survey, the results can be found here. We also put up a new survey, same as before, no email required, 100% anonymous and based on industry technology. Get in there and take the survey if you have some time and tell us what is on your mind!
Take The Survey

As always, I want to start out with a huge “Thank You” to all of our members, readers, subscribers and followers. We have grown a large audience of like-minded people that support oil and gas all over the world, we are nearing the 500k mark for followers, readers and subscribers.
Over the next few months, we will continue our work with the application, an entire new UI is coming, a fresh face, some excellent new features, remember, we have video chat, audio calling, newsfeeds, jobs and much more, so stick with us as we evolve into the future. There are some others out there kind of like us… but we like to think of ourselves as the “Original Oilfield Messenger”.
If you are interested in working with a group of forward-thinking oil and gas professionals, then drop us a mail or a message about any of our services. We work with large and small companies, no job is out of the question. If we can bring value to your organization then let us know, this can be in the shape of in company messaging, digital marketing, information management and much more. We also professionally manage social media accounts for smaller companies so they can focus on what is most important day to day.
Thanks to you all for visiting our website and using the application each day and from all of us here, we hope you have an amazing September wherever you are in the world and thank you for being part of our family!
Greg Williams - Founding Partner

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