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August Newsletter 2021

Rig Lynx
  • By Rig Lynx
  • Aug 30, 2021
  • Category : Monthly Newsletter
  • Views : 4292


Top 5 Articles for August

For August we had over 33k article views, here are the top 5!

It was Valaris, Saipem and Transocean this month...

Thanks for reading with us and we wish you a great September!

Stay safe!

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WTI is sitting at $68.65 at the time of writing this, it is down $2.78 from where it was from our last newsletter on July 19th. Brent is currently going for $72.56. One of the biggest pieces of news over this last month is that the U.S Department of Interior will restart oil and gas leasing in federally managed waters and onshore in September. Elsewhere in the world the delta variant is still reeking havok on summer demand but analysts are saying that it is set for more than a 50% rally going forward.


Rig Lynx Community

We added on 59 new community members since our last newsletter and 90 new newsletter subscribers! Remember, share the app with your friends and colleagues straight from your in-app menu, if you can’t find it, it is in your settings, upper left-hand corner of the newsfeed, tap it and go down to “Invite Lynx” and let er rip.


Podcast Stats

We were able to crank out 3 new episodes of Overtime and 3 new episodes of West Africa Weekly. We certainly would like for these to be more frequent but as we said before, summers are wild at our place! We have driven in almost 1,000 downloads since we started, make sure to share it with your friends and coworkers! If you have a topic, you want us to discuss then drop us an email at, we would love to hear about your topic and ideas!

Listen to Overtime


Technology Survey

On June 24th we released an Industry Survey that consisted of 12 questions, today we closed the survey, the results can be found here. We also put up a new survey, same as before, no email required, 100% anonymous and based on industry technology. Get in there and take the survey if you have some time and tell us what is on your mind!

Take The Survey



As always, I want to start out with a huge “Thank You” to all of our members, readers, subscribers and followers. We have grown a large audience of like-minded people that support oil and gas all over the world, we are nearing the 500k mark for followers, readers and subscribers.

Over the next few months, we will continue our work with the application, an entire new UI is coming, a fresh face, some excellent new features, remember, we have video chat, audio calling, newsfeeds, jobs and much more, so stick with us as we evolve into the future. There are some others out there kind of like us… but we like to think of ourselves as the “Original Oilfield Messenger”.

If you are interested in working with a group of forward-thinking oil and gas professionals, then drop us a mail or a message about any of our services. We work with large and small companies, no job is out of the question. If we can bring value to your organization then let us know, this can be in the shape of in company messaging, digital marketing, information management and much more. We also professionally manage social media accounts for smaller companies so they can focus on what is most important day to day.

Thanks to you all for visiting our website and using the application each day and from all of us here, we hope you have an amazing September wherever you are in the world and thank you for being part of our family!

Greg Williams - Founding Partner


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We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network"

Come join our community!

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Rig Lynx
Jul 19, 2021

  Top 5 Articles for June For June we had over 32k article views, here are the top 5! It was almost a full hand of Seadrill top news this month, with Equinor and Exxon coming in at the end. Thanks for reading with us and we wish you the rest of a great July! Stay safe! Read More   Market WTI is sitting at $71.43 at the time of writing this, it is up over $2.00 from where it was from our last newsletter on June 18th. Brent is currently going for $73.11. As the summer gets into full swing, few things to mention.. OPEC+ talks cratered due to major disagreements and new travel restrictions in Asia puts a damper on demand for jet fuel. New COVID strains or variants are keeping flights grounded, although trends in U.S. and Europe are a bit more encouraging.     Rig Lynx Community As we evolve we want to make sure that the community stays relevant, we sent out an email to all of our members that have not logged in for over a year. We deactivated 336 users so that we can keep the app healthy, but we added on 38 new members since our last newsletter and we added 60 new newsletter subscribers! Remember, share the app with your friends and colleagues straight from your in-app menu.   Podcast Stats Apologies as we have been a bit busy moving and family setup for the summer but we will be back with some new episodes of Overtime and West Africa Weekly this week. But have driven in over 835 downloads since we started, make sure to share it with your friends and coworkers! If you have a topic, you want us to discuss then drop us an email at, we would love to hear about your topic and ideas! Listen to Overtime   Industry Survey On June 24th we released an Industry Survey that consisted of 12 questions, we would like to thank everyone that has participated up to this point. We will leave the survey up until the end of the month then we will publish all of the results, get in there and take the survey if you have some time, it’s anonymous, no email required, there is even a place to tell us what is on your mind there at the very end.     Another huge “Thank You” to all of our members, readers, subscribers and followers. We have grown a large audience of like-minded people that support oil and gas all over the world. We still have a long way to go with the application and our digital service offering but we are consistently innovating and changing our approach to keep the application features user rich. Soon we will be phasing out some features which are not being used as much to keep the size of the application manageable as well as the bug chasing down. If you are interested in working with a group of forward-thinking oil and gas professionals, then drop us a mail or a message about any of our services. We work with large and small companies, no job is out of the question. If we can bring value to your organization then let us know, this can be in the shape of in company messaging, digital marketing, information management and much more. We also professionally manage social media accounts for smaller companies so they can focus on what is most important day to day. Thanks to you all for visiting our website and using the application each day and from all of us here, we hope the rest of your July is amazing and thank you for being part of our family! Greg Williams - Founding Partner   Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here  

Rig Lynx
Jun 18, 2021

  Welcome back to another monthly newsletter from your friends here at Rig Lynx where our only mission is to connect people…simple.     Top 5 Articles for May For May we had over 34k article views, here are the top 5 with news from Velesto, Valaris, Seadrill and Transocean Thanks for reading with us and we wish you a great month of June! Stay safe! Read More   Market WTI is sitting at $69.38 at the time of writing this, it is up over $3.00 from where it was from our last newsletter on May 18th. Brent is currently going for $71.60. The latest news as of recent is that OPEC+ agreed to push on with their plan to slowly release more oil on to the market in July. Analyst are saying that the rollout of the vaccines and government stimulus has increased the demand.   Rig Lynx Community We added 32 new members since our last newsletter which brings our current member base up to 4,462 oil and gas professionals, we also added 40 new newsletter subscribers! Remember, share us with your friends and colleagues, take advantage of those sweet discounts below from our apparel sponsors and those WILD drink insulators, don't let your Yeti go naked!   Podcast Stats We couldn't have asked for a better family; we are thrilled with the engagement on our podcasts and live events. Overtime and West Africa Weekly have driven in over 702 downloads since we started, make sure to share it with your friends and coworkers! If you have a topic, you want us to discuss then drop us an email at, we would love to hear about your topic and ideas! Listen to Overtime   Mobile App Update We are proud to announce that the mobile application update was pushed out on May 19th, this now includes a super-duper new messenger with loads of new tools! If you are currently using WhatsApp, then move over to Rig Lynx and enjoy the same interaction and engagement without Facebook peeking into your data. Go update your mobile app, send invites to your friends and colleagues in the industry. Let’s create a community that supports what we do and not big tech. Download   Thank You for coming back to read another monthly newsletter with us here at Rig Lynx, we love to share how we are growing!   One of the things we focus on here with Rig Lynx is positive news for the industry, as much positivity as we can. Just as of recent we published a 55 unit increase for the international rig count; this is the largest increase we have seen since June of 2020. This means more contracts are being issued, more work is starting up and things are starting to move again post pandemic.   The mobile application as you are aware has received a substantial upgrade in regard to the messaging feature. It took us months to prepare and rollout this update, please go and enjoy it with your friends and colleagues, no need for Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn etc, all the tools are here now. Use them as you see fit, also leave us some feedback, it would be appreciated.   Just as a reminder, we will be giving the newsfeed and application a user interface “facelift” with new colors, engagement tools on the newsfeed and much more! Super excited to see the application evolving and our members enjoying it on a daily basis.   Make sure to subscribe to our website notifications, as we publish new articles and material you will get a notification straight to your PC or mobile device so you can catch them as they are fresh off the press.   Thanks to you all for visiting our website and using the application each day and from all of us here, have a great June and thank you for being part of our family!   Greg Williams - Founding Partner Originally published June 6, 2021 for our members   Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here  

Rig Lynx
May 18, 2021

  Welcome back to another monthly newsletter from your friends here at Rig Lynx where our only mission is to connect people…simple.     Top 5 Articles for April For April we had over 35k article views, here are the top 5! News from Seadrill, Transocean, Valaris, CNOOC and Noble Thanks for reading with us and we wish you the rest of a great month of May! Stay safe! Read More   Market WTI is sitting at $65.39 at the time of writing this, it is up over $5.00 from where it was from our last newsletter on April 9th. Brent is currently going for $68.60. The latest news as of recent is Oil prices continue to rise, gaining again this past Tuesday to the highest in two years on Monday. Expectations continue to grow that demand will pick up, further adding to the supply/demand mismatch.   Rig Lynx Community We added 65 new members since our last newsletter which brings our current member base up to 4,430 oil and gas professionals, we also added 180 new newsletter subscribers! Remember, share us with your friends and colleagues, take advantage of those sweet discounts below from our apparel sponsors and those WILD drink insulators, don't let your Yeti go naked!   Podcast Stats We couldn't have asked for a better family, we are thrilled with the engagement on our podcasts and live events. Overtime and West Africa Weekly have driven in over 640 downloads since we started, make sure to share it with your friends and coworkers! If you have a topic you want us to discuss then drop us an email at, we would love to hear about your topic and ideas! Listen to Overtime   White Paper - Exxon and Engine No. 1 With all the media buzz about Exxon and Engine No. 1 we put together a white paper and held a special episode of Overtime to engage thought about what the impact of green energy and renewables will be on some other less fortunate countries in the world.  Download the white paper here on google drive Download   Discounts for Members of Rig Lynx! Fourteen and Seven Apparel 10% OFF Discount Code: RIGLYNX   Lit Handlers 15% OFF Discount Code: RIGLYNX   Thank You for coming back to read another monthly newsletter with us here at Rig Lynx, we love to share how we are growing! April going into May has been extremely busy for the Rig Lynx team! We took our messaging feature offline due to the transition over to our new platform and messaging system, soon it will be released, and it will have the following new features: Online Status One on One Video Calling Typing Indicators Message Attachments Delivery and Read Receipts Background Change Status Update Copy, Paste and Edit Message text Updated Abuse Features Newsfeed Hashtag Use Hashtag Search We want to bring our members the latest feature rich content and continuous improvement of their user experience. Also, just as a teaser we are giving the complete newsfeed and application a user interface “facelift” with new colors, engagement tools on the newsfeed and much more! Super excited to see the application evolving and our members enjoying it on a daily basis. As we said last month, soon you will not have to use big tech for messaging and VOIP, that is why the entire team has been working so hard over the last few months to give our members an option and the choice to move away from technology that does not support them or their families. Make sure to subscribe to our website notifications, as we publish new articles and material you will get a notification straight to your PC or mobile device so you can catch them as they are fresh off the press. Thanks to you all for visiting our website and using the application each day and from all of us here, have a great May and thank you for being part of our family!   Greg Williams - Founding Partner     Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here