At Rig Lynx we don't use thumbs up or hearts, we use the 5 star system as a rating for your newsfeed post. When you scroll through the newsfeed you will see that the number of each star that is selected will populate in the center of the star, this allows for you to decide if this is something that you are interested in reading more of or that rates high. In most cases with other platforms, you cannot tell how good the post is by just the numbers of thumbs up or likes that it gets, so this is in place to help you interact more with posts that are relevant to you and not to the people that gave it a 1 star, if a post has nothing but 1 star, then you most certainly will avoid it. If a post has 1 thumbs up or 1 like on your other platforms, you can't actually tell if it's something you will like or not so you spend valuable time looking through some posts that are not relevant or meaningful. The same way you book a Hotel, if a Hotel has 1 star, you most likely wouldn't give your time to the place, same way with a post on the newsfeed. This also enables people to become more creative to get a higher rating on their posts. Become a 5 star Newsfeed phenomenon today!