Earlier this summer, COSL Drilling Europe announced the signing of a letter of intent for the 6th generation, semi-submersible drilling rig the Innovator. It can now be confirmed that the rig will be used on license PL 973, where Chrysaor is the operator and owner together with its partners Okea and Petoro. The operation will take place from Stavanger.
The rig assignment starts early next year, and we are really looking forward to that. The Innovator will be able to be put into operation with efficient operation from day one, because we have made sure to have a well-maintained rig and to have well-qualified and motivated personnel ready, says Frank Tollefsen, CEO of COSL Drilling Europe.
The Innovator has been kept ready for work for a longer period, so-called "ready to drill." COSL has also invested large sums in green technology to make its rigs more attractive and efficient. This has led to the company's rigs being best in class when it comes to emissions and fuel consumption.
COSL manager believes that there will be more assignments in the future, for many reasons. The fact that the rig has been given an assignment in itself helps to increase interest, as more people become aware of how efficient the rig actually is. In addition, COSL has taken major steps to make the rigs even more attractive.
“We have been very keen to deliver on what the market expects from modern and efficient rigs in the future. Therefore, we have put in place an improved system for energy control on board the rig, and this system allows us to reduce energy consumption by up to 25 percent, from an already low level. Here we pave the way for the rest of the industry”, says Tollefsen.
Source: COSL
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