Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, the oil and gas exploration company focused on the offshore Atlantic Margins, and its partners are applying for Environmental Authorisation to undertake exploration activities in Block 3B/4B in the Orange Basin off the Northern Cape/South-West Coast of South Africa.
The Joint Venture Partners have contracted Environmental Impact Management Services ('EIMS') of South Africa to apply for a permit to drill one well and one contingent well (and potentially up to five wells) within an area of interest in the north of the Block. Block 3B/4B is located offshore western South Africa and is centred approximately 180 km from the coast, in water depths averaging approximately 1000m. EIMS has been appointed to undertake the required Environmental Impact Assessment ('EIA').
The Block 3B/4B JV Partners are Africa Oil SA Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of Africa Oil Corp, the Operator of the Block, holding a 20% Participating Interest, Azinam, a wholly owned subsidiary of Eco Atlantic, holding a Participating Interest of 26.25%, and Ricocure (Proprietary) Limited, holding the remaining 53.75% Participating Interest. The JV partners continue to progress the collaborative farm-out process, up to 55% gross working interest in the Block, with various potential parties.
Source: Eco
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