Sources across social media have been sharing photos of the Naga 7, owned by Malaysia’s Velesto Energy, in what is called a “punch through”.
The Naga 7 was working for ConocoPhillips, it is understood to have three wells offshore Sarawak in 2021, Salam-3 appraisal, Gagau-1 wildcat and Mersing-1 exploration with site surveys and soil boring having taken place at these three locations already.
From our understanding this happened on the first pre-load, at zero air gap with water depth of 92m. Rig was abandoned, deployed 3 lifeboats and all 101 personnel are safe and accounted for.
The Naga 7 is a GustoMSC-CJ46 jack up drilling rig designed for water depths of 375ft, it was delivered in January 2015.

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