The exploration potential of hydrocarbons in the Northwest of Peru (Tumbes, Talara and Sechura basins) amounts to 344 million barrels of oil and 4.8 TCF of gas, which demonstrates the need to promote exploratory activity for the discovery of new reserves that guarantee the country's energy development, PERUPETRO.
PERUPETRO's Technical Resources manager, Asaid Bandach, explained that, to date, in the Northwest, the exploratory effort has only focused on Eocene reservoirs (300 to 3,000 feet deep), which is why it is necessary to promote exploration of deep horizons to discover the hydrocarbons that lie in the Peruvian subsoil.
"The Cretaceous and Paleozoic formations are considered semi-explored, and according to the studies carried out there is evidence of structures with significant potential that needs to be discovered," he said during his participation in the Peru Energía Norte 2023 forum.
He explained that the accumulated production in the Northwest of the country amounts to 386 million barrels of oil, with an investment of 4.963 million dollars. Said production has generated, in the last 30 years, royalties for 5,524 million dollars and 3,378 million dollars in canon and supercanon.
In this sense, he said that PERUPETRO has been evaluating the best scheme to promote exploration and production in the lots located in the Northwest, whose contracts are close to expiring. In this regard, he reported that the PERUPETRO board of directors has approved the bidding for lots V and VII, whose contracts expire in October of this year.
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