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Shale enthusiasm powering more exploration in the US | OutPut by Rig Lynx

Rig Lynx
  • By Rig Lynx
  • Jul 19, 2018
  • Category : Archives
  • Views : 1404

The Permian Basin, home to more than 40 percent of all active U.S. drilling rigs, continues to receive most of the credit for the rapid growth of U.S. oil production; meanwhile, the Marcellus Shale receives the lion’s share of credit for ongoing record-setting levels of domestic natural gas production.  But a series of recent information releases demonstrate that the oil and gas boom is spreading into other plays across the nation.

Some examples:

  • North Dakota’s Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) reported last Friday that the state’s oil production rose by 5.4 percent from March to April this year, and is closing in on an all-time record production level for the state that is home to the preponderance of the massive Bakken Shale formation.  DMR Director Lynn Helms told reporters that his Department had not expected this level of production until May or June.  Helms attributed the rise to a steadily rising rig count and the fact that “operators and service companies have developed drilling rigs that are twice as efficient as they were in 2014 to drill and complete permitted wells,” and said he expects the current trend to continue through the rest of 2018.
  • Shale natural gas production in Ohio has risen by 43 percent year over year as of the end of the first quarter, according to the state’s Department of Natural Resources.  The production comes from a combination of Marcellus and Utica Shale wells, and is also expected to continue rising in the second half of 2018.
  • A recovering natural gas price during the early months of 2018 and the proximity to Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass LNG export facility has led to a modest resurgence in production from the Haynesville Shale region.  Natural Gas Intelligence (NGI) projects that production from the Haynesville will rise by “235 MMcf/d m/m to 8.97 Bcf/d in July.”
  • In the DJ Basin, Bernadette Johnson, vice president for market intelligence at DrillingInfo told an audience in Littleton, CO in June that “Since December, we have seen oil grow by nearly 10,000 barrels per day every month,” and that DrillingInfo expects the rebound to continue in the coming months based on continued strong commodity prices.
  • The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that a rising rig count led to a very healthy month-over-month increase in Eagle Ford Shale crude production of 35,000 barrels per day.  The looming bottleneck in Permian Basin pipeline takeaway capacity will likely lead to even more rigs coming to the Eagle Ford region in the 2nd half of the year.
  • According to Wood Mackenzie, oil and gas production in deepwater Gulf of Mexico is expected to reach an all-time record high this year at 1.935 million boepd, of which 80 percent is oil—beating the previous record from 2009 by nearly 10 percent and representing 13-percent growth year over year.
  • A survey released last Friday by the Federal Reserve branch of Kansas City indicates that oil and gas activity in Oklahoma’s SCOOP/STACK play region continues to expand.  Chad Wilkerson, vice president and economist at the Oklahoma City branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, said that “Expectations are nearly as high as they have ever been. Executives are pretty optimistic about future drilling activity.”  The Kansas City Fed’s June report indicated that SCOOP/STACK production had reached record levels at the first of the year for both oil and natural gas, and projected that both would rise throughout 2018.

While the boom is expanding all across the country, Pennsylvania and Texas remain the two states benefiting most from the industry’s growth.  This is especially true in Texas, where State Comptroller Glenn Hegar recently informed leaders of the state’s legislature that, thanks to a healthy economy largely driven by the oil and gas industry, they will have an extra $2.8 billion in revenue to work with when developing the state’s budget for the 2019/2020 biennium.

Meanwhile, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced last week that, thanks to two programs that allocate funds from the state’s Rainy Day Fund, it will receive a whopping $1.1 billion more than expected over the next two years. That is again thanks to the booming oil and gas industry, since the Rainy Day Fund is funded almost entirely by severance taxes collected on oil and gas production.

So, while the boom is fanning out into other play areas, that doesn’t mean it is leaving Pennsylvania and Texas behind.  This is a case of a rising tide lifting all boats.

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Rig Lynx
Mar 09, 2023

  Valaris Limited announced new contracts awarded subsequent to issuing the Company’s most recent fleet status report on February 21, 2023.   Three-year contract with Petrobras for drillship VALARIS DS-8. The rig will be reactivated for this contract. The total contract value is approximately $500 million, including a $30 million mobilization fee. 100-day contract with a TotalEnergies affiliate for drillship VALARIS DS-12. The contract is expected to commence in second quarter 2023. 70-day contract with Beach Energy offshore New Zealand for heavy duty modern jackup VALARIS 107. The contract is expected to commence in third quarter 2023. The total contract value is approximately $26 million. President and Chief Executive Officer Anton Dibowitz said, “We are particularly pleased to have secured the award for preservation stacked drillship VALARIS DS-8, for a contract that is expected to generate a meaningful return over the firm contract term, and we remain focused on exercising our operational leverage in a disciplined manner. This most recent award represents the sixth contract awarded to one of our high-quality stacked floaters since mid-2021, and speaks volumes about our demonstrated track record of project execution when reactivating rigs.”   Dibowitz added, “Following the reactivation of VALARIS DS-17 and DS-8, we will have ten floaters working across the golden triangle, including four drillships in Brazil, a market where we expect to see continued growth over the next several years.”   Updated Guidance   As a result of the contract awarded to VALARIS DS-8, which will require the rig to be reactivated from preservation stack, we are updating our first quarter 2023 and full-year 2023 guidance provided on our fourth quarter 2022 conference call on February 21, 2023.   First Quarter 2023   Contract drilling expense is expected to increase by approximately $5 million to $385 million to $395 million. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to decrease by approximately $5 million to negative $5 million to breakeven. Adjusted EBITDAR, which adds back one-time reactivation expense, is expected to be $25 million to $30 million, unchanged from the guidance provided on our fourth quarter 2022 conference call. Full-Year 2023   Revenues are anticipated to be $1.8 billion to $1.9 billion, unchanged from the guidance provided on our fourth quarter 2022 conference call. Contract drilling expense is expected to increase by approximately $60 million to $1.49 billion to $1.59 billion. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to decrease by approximately $60 million to $180 million to $220 million. Adjusted EBITDAR, which adds back one-time reactivation expense, is expected to be $280 million to $320 million, unchanged from the guidance provided on our fourth quarter 2022 conference call. Capital expenditures are expected to increase by $60 million to $320 million to $360 million. Source: Valaris Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here  

Rig Lynx
Mar 09, 2023

  Seadrill Limited announced that the West Neptune has executed approximately six months of term extensions with LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C in the US Gulf of Mexico.   The extensions will commence in direct continuation of the existing term, and will keep the rig busy until Q3 2024, furthering Seadrill and LLOG’s long-term association. Total contract value for the extension is approximately $79 million. Source: Seadrill   Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here  

Rig Lynx
Mar 09, 2023

  Semisub rig owner Dolphin Drilling has inked a new contract with Peak Petroleum in Nigeria for its 1974-built Blackford Dolphin.   The firm contract, which follows the letter of award in January, gives the Euronext Growth-listed owner of three rigs the potential to extend the unit’s backlog by a minimum of 120 days and up to 485 days. The deal adds to and will be a direct continuation of the previously announced 12-month contract with General Hydrocarbon Limited (GHL).   Øystein Stray Spetalen-backed company said the effective dayrate associated with the minimum firm period of the contract is $325,000, including the mobilisation fee.   “The final award of the contract for Blackford Dolphin shows the opportunities in Nigeria at a strong dayrate, in addition to building on the backlog for the rig. It also underlines the attractiveness of our assets, and we look forward to returning to revenue-generating operations in 2023,” noted Bjørnar Iversen, CEO of Dolphin Drilling.   Source: Dolphin   Join our mailing list here We are #1 on Google and Bing for the "Largest Mobile Energy Network" Come join our community! Download the Rig Lynx app here